Where Should You Buy a Hunting and Fishing Cabin?


By: Ashley Linkletter

5 Min Quiz

Image: Eduardo Fonseca Arraes/ Moment/ Getty Images

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Canada is a paradise if you're a hunter or a fisher. The Great White North is home to 561 lakes, over 8,500 rivers and 347 million hectares of forest (to put it another way: For every Canadian, there are 10 hectares of forest, over 17 times the world average!) The sheer magnitude of Canada's wilderness can make it difficult to pinpoint a location for a hunting and fishing cabin — how can you possibly make a choice when there are so many options? To begin with, we'll ask you questions about whether you prefer trophy hunting with friends or you relish the thought of fishing in a canoe by yourself in the early hours of the morning? Is it important to have a grocery store close to the cabin, or will your cabin be the ultimate escape from your busy city life?

Your answers to the following questions will tell us exactly where you should buy your fantasy hunting and fishing cabin. The location might be a total surprise or it could be an area you've visited before (it might even be somewhere you already frequent!) All you need to do is close your eyes and imagine what your ultimate hunting or fishing expedition would look like — and how you plan to relax at the end of the day.

Would you prefer a lodge close to amenities or do you like to be completely off the grid?


Since you're buying a cabin in Canada, cold temperatures probably aren't an issue for you. How cold is too cold?


What is your favourite thing to have for an early morning breakfast before heading out for a day of hunting or fishing?


Do you feel comfortable communicating with others in French?


There's nothing better than sitting around a fire after spending the day outside — where do you enjoy building a fire?


Are you planning on doing any swimming in the nearby lake?


You've decided to invite your whole family up to the cabin for the long weekend in August. What's the one piece of outdoor gear they should bring?


It's always good to ask "why" you're buying something before making a big purchase. Can you tell us why you're buying a cabin?


What is the one selling feature that will help you decide whether or not you should buy a particular cabin?


How are you planning on decorating your cabin?


Is your cabin going to be open year-round or seasonally?


You'll need to have a boat at the cabin for all the fishing expeditions you have planned. What kind of boat do you have?


When it comes to hunting, what are you constantly on the lookout for?


You're on the lookout for a cabin made from a particular type of building material — what is it?


How many bedrooms does your dream hunting and fishing cabin have?


How can visitors who aren't interested in hunting or fishing have fun at your cabin?


You've had some fantastic luck fishing and now you're ready to enjoy some fresh fish. Where do you cook the fish?


Will you need room for an RV or extra boats?


You have quite a few hunting trophies on your wall — which one are you most proud of?


Anyone who's ever been fishing has a story about the one that got away. What kind of fish has evaded your fishing efforts?


Do you like having neighbours nearby, or do you prefer being totally isolated?


Out of the following provinces, which one is closest to where you currently live?


After you've butchered your game, what do you normally do with all the extra meat?


As much as you enjoy hunting you also believe it's your responsibility to give back to the environment — how do you do this?


Which Canadian Football League team are you an absolute die-hard fan of?


What kind of tree would you love to have on the same property as your cabin?


Every cabin needs a name! What will you be calling your home away from home?


It's important to keep warm when you're staying at the cabin! Will you heat your cabin using electric or gas heat?


You have a photo of your favourite Canadian politician hanging on your wall in the living room at the cabin. Who is it?


What kind of dog will be your hunting and fishing companion when you're at the cabin?


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