Can You Guess If These Creatures Are Poisonous or Not?


By: Jody Mabry

6 Min Quiz

Image: Shutterstock

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Do you know that only 25% of snakes are actually poisonous? While that sounds like good odds, you still need to watch out because that 25% equates to about 600 species. More worrisome is that of those some are more than poisonous - they are deadly. Would you know if a mole or a woodchuck is poisonous? Well, one of them is, so you might not want to go petting those cute wild mammals just yet. 

Understanding which animals are poisonous, venomous and deadly can save your life someday. And even if animals look the same, such as a copperhead and milk snake, that doesn't mean they have the same behavior. On the other hand, sometimes they do. Did you know there are only two species of lizard that are poisonous? That's out of over 4,675 species. Your odds may be a little better than snakes, but which lizards do you need to worry about? It may not be as obvious as you think ... or is it?

From creatures that howl and grunt to those that slither and hop, see if you can figure out how many of these amazing creatures are poisonous or not. Hopefully you get it right, because there is no antidote if you're wrong. 

Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Yes, deer ticks can be very harmful to humans if they carry bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes lyme disease. Symptoms are flu-like, with fatigue and a rash.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

You don't need to fear when you hear the buzz of a honey bee; they aren't poisonous. They do foster the creation of delicious honey!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Garter snakes that tend to slither around gardens and backyards are totally harmless. They have somewhat different color variations, but usually they will have three long stripes going down their body that are light in color.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't worry! Although the emerald tree boa's size may scare you, it's not poisonous. They are a beautiful, vibrant green color when mature, and eat mice and rats.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This large, warty, brown cane toad can be found anywhere between the southern United States to northern South America. Its poison specifically affects the heart.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Be most wary of the box jellyfish, as it is known as one of the most poisonous animals in the world. The poison is called bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and it's in their tentacles.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The dogfish shark poisons its victims with the spine at the front of each dorsal fin. These spines are filled with venom and can be used to quickly put down their prey.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't let its cute, bird features fool you, the blue-capped ifrit is poisonous! Local dwellers call the bird the 'nanisani' and 'slek-yakt', meaning 'bitter bird'.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The poison dart frog, as it name implies, is poisonous. It lives in South and Central America, specifically in the rainforest regions.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The Indian cobra is the one used in the iconic 'snake charmers' show. They have 'hoods' that expand when they feel threatened and you don't want to get hit by its venom.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This is another type of the poison dart frog, the yellow-banded, just with different coloring. It is pitch-black, with bright yellow striping and patterns.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This type of snake is known for the rattling sound it makes when it feels threatened, or when it's going to prey upon a victim. Rattlesnakes are remarkably efficient hunters.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The Mantella is a poisonous frog that has remarkable, vibrant colors. Some have orange, yellow and black legs, with green stripes on its body.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Besides rabies, a wolf could not poison you. It's still not a good idea to try to fight one, though!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Gurry shark is another name for the Greenland shark. It is elusive by nature, and is poisonous because of the large amount of trimethylamine oxide in its body. If you eat the Greenland shark undercooked, the trimethylamine oxide will make a person feel drunk.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This slithery death sentence, the Belcher's sea snake, is also known as the faint banded sea snake. Thankfully, it lives in the water, so unless you find it fishing or scuba diving, you're safe!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

No, the cute pet hamster is not poisonous. Feel free to hold it, cuddle it and pet it at no risk!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Did you know the Russel's viper is one of the most dangerous snakes in Asia? Its bite and venom is fatal, as it kills thousands of people each year.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Did you know that smaller types of barracudas are caught and eaten as game fish? They are hardy and aggressive, so good luck catching one!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The Gila monster is one of the only two lizards that are poisonous in the world! It looks like it has small beads all over its skin; these are called osteoderms.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Yes, this gigantic snake, the king cobra, is poisonous! It lives in forest areas of India and Southeast Asia.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Although its name sounds close to 'cuddlefish', refrain from cuddling with the Pfeffer's flamboyant cuttlefish! It keeps its toxins in its muscles!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This exceptional creature, the Mexican beaded lizard, along with the Gila monster, make up the only two poisonous lizards in the whole world! It also has osteoderms, and is longer than the Gila. It can be up to 36 inches long!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't worry, although the daddy long legs may look looming with its long, dangling legs, it can't harm you. The legs on this spider are multiple times longer than its body!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Have you ever felt the sharp, painful sting of an angry hornet? Did you know it releases venom with each sting?


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Did you know all cone snails are poisonous? It may be small, but it has enough venom to kill a human!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Cantharidin is the fluid the blister beetle secretes when it feels threatened. Cantharidin makes the victim blister, giving this tiny crawler its name.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This octopus is named for its circular blue rings all over its body. It lives in the Pacific Ocean, and in the Indian Ocean. Its venom is most effective in smaller adults and children.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Want to sound extra intelligent? Call this frog by its scientific name, the 'Corythomantis greeningi'. This small creature has an interesting way of poisoning its enemies; it head-butts the victim, and transfers its poison from its head to the victim through small spines, almost like needles.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't be fooled by this the milkweed butterfly's beautiful colors and patterns; it is toxic! It eats milkweed while in its larval stage, which is also poisonous.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

If you happened to get bit by a deathstalker scorpion, don't get worried for your life. Its bite stings, but usually doesn't kill humans.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Don't fret, the woodchuck is not poisonous.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The stonefish is deadly enough to kill an adult human, so watch out! It carries sacs full of poison on its spines, and is up to five pounds in weight.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

No, European moles aren't constantly twisting their feet to turn outward, they are made that way! They also are made with venomous saliva, so don't make them angry!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The widow spider has specific types, known as the brown widow and the black widow. The brown widow's bite is not as venomous as the black widow.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't worry, these little guys won't get you! House spiders are not poisonous, but rather are good critters to have around. Why? They eat undesirable insects!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

There's good news and bad news about the Eurasian water shrew. The bad? Its saliva is venomous. The good? Its teeth are not sharp or strong enough to puncture the skin of a human, so you should be safe.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most poisonous on the planet! They also go by the names banana spider and armed spider.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This spider is not as cute as a mouse, and not nearly as harmless. The mouse spider lives in Australia, where there are eight species.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Though the slow loris looks a little goofy, its venom certainly is not anything to laugh at. It is toxic to humans! These deceiving furry animals live in South and Southeast Asia.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The inland taipan lives in Australia, specifically in the central-east part of the continent. It is deadly, but some daredevils still have one for a pet!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The black widow is distinguishable by the red marking on its pitch-black body. If you have the chance to choose between a bite from this creepy crawly and a rattlesnake, choose the rattlesnake. The black widow's venom is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This rodent-like Cuban solenodon is also known as an almiqui, and its saliva is toxic! Also be careful of its cousin, the Hispaniola solenodon.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The puffer fish puffs up, making its spines protrude even more than usual. Whatever you do while swimming, do not get near one of these! It has enough poison to kill 30 humans!


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Can you believe that some populations of bullsnake can be up to 7 feet long? Even though they look large and scary, they aren't anything to be too afraid of, since they aren't venomous.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

There is a sub-type of the Australian funnel spider, called the Sydney funnel spider. It lives only in and near Sydney, Australia. It is black in color.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

Don't worry, the milk snake is not dangerous! Don't confuse them with the copperhead snake, they look similar due to their copper color and striping. The key difference is the milk snake is not venomous.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

This underwater dweller has many spines coming out of the top of its body, which is where it pushes out its venom. The ocean floor and sea rocks is where the scorpionfish makes its home.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

No way these cute little Australian red-eyed tree frogs are poisonous! They are bright green, with orange eyes and feet.


Is this creature poisonous, or not?

The black rat snake may sound frightening, but it's actually not poisonous! These snakes can be 3 to 6 feet long!


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