Which Classic Hollywood Hunk Would You Land?

By: Teresa McGlothlin

5 Min Quiz

Image: Warner Bros.

About This Quiz

They don't make actors like they used to make them! Long gone are the days of the pencil-thin mustaches like Clark Gable's. Not that there's a single flaw to be found with Jason Momoa, but we've said goodbye to the sultry directness of men like Humphrey Bogart and traded them in for the brute strength of Aquaman. 

During this quiz, you'll get a rare chance to examine yourself through the lens of Old Hollywood. Each of your answers will help reveal your most prominent features, traits and preferences in hunky famous men. Actors like James Dean and Cary Grant defined some of the roles we see men playing now, but which one would fall head over stilettos in love with you? 

You don't have to be a starlet in training to have the kind of celebrity appeal Hollywood's classic actors would have admired. All you have to do is be yourself! It's totally fine to prepare an acceptance speech before you get started, but you won't have to thank your hunk for his adoration. The one that would cherish you, dramatic flair and all, will appreciate anything you have to say! 

So, put on your little black dress and head down the runway of these questions, and we'll take it from there. Which Hollywood hunk would move heaven and earth for you? Lights, camera, action — let's find out!

When you flirt, are you subtle like Audrey Hepburn or bold like Marilyn Monroe?


What do you have in common with Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind"?


Are you brave enough to take a ride on James Dean's motorcycle?


Would anyone say that you have a flair for the dramatic?


If you were walking down the red carpet with Marlon Brando, what would you wear?


What part of your personality would read the best on the silver screen?


Let's say your Hollywood hunk wanted to take you to the drive-in. What would you bring along?


When you pose for a selfie, what are you usually doing?


Are you so patient you'll spend hours getting your eyeliner just right?


Where would you put young Paul Newman on a scale of hot or not?


Do you get teary-eyed when you watch the end of "Casablanca"?


If Hollywood made a movie about your current love life, what classic actress would play you?


How much of a diva are you when you don't get your way?


Do you have the singing chops to keep up with Elvis in "Blue Hawaii"?


Are you romantic enough to miss your high school sweetheart?


If no one liked your new profile picture, would you get upset?


In your own humble opinion, what's your sexiest quality?


Would you be nervous or right at home appearing on a talk show?


What kind of communicator are you when you're in a relationship?


Are you the kind of bestie we always see in rom-coms?


Would you say you're easy to read or that you have a good poker face?


Which of Natalie Wood's traits would you like to possess?


What kind of demeanor does a hunk need to impress you?


Out of all your gorgeous features, which one would an Old Hollywood actor find most attractive?


What part of your life deserves to be in the spotlight right now?


How would you react to finding paparazzi outside your door?


What's the most glamorous thing you've done recently?


If you won an Academy Award, how would you start your speech?


What would be your favorite way to spend time with your Hollywood star?


Which of these '80s actors would you pucker up for these days?


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